polmers of glucose

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  • polymers of glucose
    • cellulose
      • cellulose is a polymer of beta glucose. when joining have beta 1,4 glycosidic bonding (the final structure makes a faint zig-zag.)
        • hydrogen bonds are formed between cellulose molecules (o- ---> h+) these bonds are hard to break up because there's a strong attraction and an even stronger attraction when the cellulose molecules are on top of each other.
          • hydrogen bonding between cellulose molecules makes many cross links hence      microfibrils.               cellulose molecule -----> microfibril ----->    macrofibril        -----> cellulose fibres
    • glycogen
      • animals store glucose as glycogen because glycogen doesn't dissolve in water so it wont affect osmosis.
      • animals store glycogen in the liver and muscles. when the animals need glucose it breaks down the glycogen.
      • there are more branches in glycogen than amylopectin so it breaks down glycogen quicker than amylopectin
    • starch
      • glucose is soluble in water and this affects osmosis however starch is insoluble in water and doesn't affect osmosis.
        • there are different forms of starch- amylose (aplha1,4) and amylopectin (alpha1,4 and alpha1,6)
          • amylose is a helix
          • amylopectin makes branches
    • beta glucose OH on top
    • alpha glucose OH on bottom


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