Plants storing and using glucose

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  • How plants use glucose
    • Respiration
      • Plants use some of the glucose they make for respiration. Respiration is a process which occurs in all living organisms - its where energy is released from the breakdown of glucose. Plants use this energy to convert the rest of the glucose into various other useful substances, which they can use to built new cells and grow.
    • Making cellulose
      • Glucose is converted into glucose for making strong cell walls, especially in a rapidly growing plant. These cell walls support and strengthen the cells.
    • Making amino acids
      • In plant cells, glucose is combined with nitrate (which are absorbed from the soil) to make amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks which make up proteins. When amino acids are joined together in a particular sequence the make up a particular protein
    • Storage of glucose
      • Lipids
        • Plants can convert some of the glucose they produce into lipids (fats and oils). Plants store lipids in seeds
      • Starch
        • Plants can convert glucose into starch. Glucose is stored as starch so its ready for use when photosynthesis isnt happening as much, like in winter. in plants, starch is stored in roots, stems, seeds and leaves


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