Physics AS Mechanics

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  • Physics AS Mechanics
    • Motion
      • Motion graphs
        • average speed=distance/time
          • Displacement in a specific direction
            • Gradient of displacement/time graph
        • Velocity/time graph
          • Gradient= acceleration
          • Area= displacement
      • Vectors
        • Represented by arrows
          • Trig to work out resultant force
          • If only have resultant force find compnents
      • Scalars
        • Vector Quatitys
          • Magnitude and direction
            • Displacement
            • Acceleration
            • Force
            • Velocity
            • Momentum
        • Scalar Quatitys
          • Magnitude only
            • Tempurature
            • Density
            • Distance
            • Pressure
            • Speed
    • Work and Energy
      • Efficiency
        • efficiency=useful energy/total input energy
          • x 100 to make it percentage efficiency
        • Sankey  diagrams
          • shows out put of an appliance. Useful and not useful
      • Conservation of energy
        • Energy cannot be created or destroyed
          • Only transformed
        • Sankey  diagrams
          • shows out put of an appliance. Useful and not useful
      • Forms of energy
        • Chemical,Electrical, Gravitational potential, Nuclear, Sound, Knetic
          • Only transformed
          • Gravitational potential energy
            • The energy a body has by virtue of its position in a gravitational field
            • Ep=mgh
          • Knetic energy
            • The energy a body has by virtue of its motion
            • Ek=1/2 mv^2
      • Power
        • Watt(w)
          • 1 watt is the power when i joule is done in 1 second
            • 1W=1Js^-1
        • Power=work done/time taken
          • Power= transferred / time
            • Watt(w)
              • 1 watt is the power when i joule is done in 1 second
                • 1W=1Js^-1
          • W=fx in direction of the force
      • Materials
        • Elastic
          • material stretches and follows hookes
            • A material follows hookes law when the extention producedis proportional to the force providing it
              • only when the elastic limit has not been exceeded
                • When elastic limit has been reached object is permanently deformed
        • Young Moduls= stress/ strain
          • Stress=force/ cross sectional area
          • Strain= Extension/ Length
      • Work Done
        • W=fxcos0 is the force is at an angle to the direction of the force
          • W=fx in direction of the force
          • 1 Joule= 1 Newton metre, when a force of 1N moves an object over a distance of 1M
    • Forces
      • Resultant forces
        • F=ma
          • Resultant force= massx acceleration
            • The newton= force that causes 1KG to accelerate at 1ms^-1
          • Does not work for high speeds as mass increases
        • Balanced forces
          • Terminal velocity
            • Drag= weight and acting forces
              • Opposes motion
        • Weight=mg
      • Centre of gravity
        • Where all the WEIGHT is considered to act as 1 force
        • Find COG hang from 1 point, draw along plumb line, do with 2 more different points
      • Turning forces
        • Couple
          • 2 equal and opposite forces acting the opposite direction producing rotation
        • Torque describes the turning effect of the couple
          • Torque= force x perpendicular distance
      • Pressure
        • Pressure= force/ area
          • 1Pa= 1N spread evenly over 1m^2
            • Force per unit area
      • Density
        • Mass per unit volume
          • Kgm^-3
          • Density= mass/ volume
        • Makes things float or sink
      • Car Safety
        • Crumple zones increase time of deceleration
          • seat belts and airs bags do the same
        • Thinking distance= speedx thinking time
          • Breaking distance UVAST
            • Stopping distance= Breaking + Thinking


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