
  • Created by: connie.b
  • Created on: 24-09-20 19:25
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  • photosynthesis
    • how are leaves adapted?
      • veins carry  water to the leaf and take food from the leaf to the rest of the plant (veins also help support the leaf)
      • palisade plant cells contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll
      • a leaf is broad and flat to capture lots of sunlight
      • small holes called stomata in the underside of the leaf allow gases in and out
        • stomata: let in C02 and water vapour
    • how are plants adapted?
      • stem: provides support and carries nutrients and water up the plant, holds reproductive parts
        • xylem: moves water a minerals from the roots through the rest of the plant
        • phloem: moves food substances through the plant
      • leaves: big, flat, thin shape, large surface area to maximize photosynthesis, stomata on the underside of the leaf, guard cells around stomata
      • roots: gets nutrients and water from the soil to grow, acts as an anchor in the ground, large surface area
    • how do plants make their own food?
      • they turn it into proteins for growth although they need nitrate ions absorbed through roots to help with this
      • they turn it into fats and oils, another good energy store
      • they use the glucose to make energy in respiration
      • they convert it into insoluble starch and store it in the leaves
      • they turn it into cellulose which makes the cell storg
    • the rate of photosynthesis in a plant  can be limited by:
      • light intesity
        • as the temperature increases so does the rate of photosynthesis, but at 40 degrees Celsius the rate falls sharply as enzymes are denatured
      • availability of water
      • availability of carbon dioxide
      • availability of chlorophyll
      • temperature
        • as light increases so the photosynthesis but there comes a  point where it cant increase anymore


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