
  • Created by: Molly Amy
  • Created on: 05-08-19 16:55
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  • photosynthesis
  • process in which plants produce food
    • happens in leaves of all green plants
      • photosynthesis happens inside chloroplasts found in leaf cells
    • produces glucose using sunlight
  • this absorbs sunlight and uses engery to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, oxygen is also produced
    • chemical engery created is released when glucose is broken down during repiration
    • cholroplasts contain pigment called chlorophyll
      • photosynthesis happens inside chloroplasts found in leaf cells
      • chloroplasts are found in palisade layer near top of leaf
        • so light can get to this layer there is a transparent layer upper epidermis
          • leaves have a net work of vascular bundles these are transport vessels
            • these are called xylem and phloem
              • they deliver water and other nutrients and takeaway the glucose produced by photosynthesis
                • waxy cuticle helps reduce water loss by evaporation
                  • adaptation of leaves for gas exchange also make photosynthesis more efficent as the lower suface is full of holes called stomata which diffuse co2 directly into leaf
    • produces glucose using sunlight


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