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  • Photosynthesis
    • Carbon dioxide +water = glucose + oxygen
      • 6CO2  +  6H2O  = C6H12O6  + 6O
    • energy is transfers from the environment to the chloroplast by light.
      • This is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and also oxygen but this is formed as a by product
    • This is an endothermic reaction meaning it takes in energy from its surroundings
    • the leaves are well adapted to allow maximum amount of photosynthesis to take place
      • Having thin walls so that diffusion distances for the gases are short
      • They have short vines that bring plenty of water in to the xylem to the cells so the leaves and remove products is phtosytheisis in the Pholem.
    • The rate of photosynthesis may be affected by light intensity, tempature, the level of carbon dioxide and the amount of chlorophyll
    • plant and alge cells use the glucose produced for respiration
      • It is used to convert it into insoluble starch to produce amino acids for protein synthesis.
        • It's also used to produce amino acids for protein synthesis
      • They also need nitrate ions that are absorbed from the soil or the water to make amino acids used to make proteins
    • The factors that limit the rate of photosynthesi interact and so any one of them may limit the process
      • The limiting factors are so important in the economics  of enhancing the conditions of greenhouses to gain the maximum rate of photosynthesis while still maintaining profit.


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