
  • Created by: debbieoxt
  • Created on: 16-05-18 15:45
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  • Pavlov (1927)
    • Aim - to investigate whether a reflex behaviour can be produced in new situations through learning.
    • Procedure - repeated measures design, tube attached to dogs mouth, food (UCS) would lead to salivation (UCR) with NS of a metronome, presented a metronome before food appeared, dogs learned to associate the sound of the metronome with food, just the sound of the metronome caused drooling.
    • Results - the conditioned dog started to salivate 9 seconds after hearing the sound and by 45 seconds, produced 11 drops of saliva.
    • Conclusion - Pavlov had discovered classical conditioning. The NS, after being repeatedly paired with a UCS, turned into a CS, producing the CR by itself.
    • Reliable - standardised procedures, inter-rater reliability, repeated it many times over 25 years - test-retest reliability.
    • Ethics - research animals should be treated humanely but there were no ethical guidelines then.
    • Generalisable - can't generalise results from dogs to humans - different brains.
    • Validity - low ecological validity as it is unusual to be presented with an odd stimuli.


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