
  • Created by: pinkbeer
  • Created on: 06-08-19 12:35
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  • Ozymandias
    • Adjectives "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert"
      • It represented the power of the King and his wealth. Also, shows his dominance over his subjects as they were forced to construct the statue. Was also designed to deter enemies
      • It now symbolises the decay of his rule and the lack of power. The torso is missing- symbolising his physical strength. Also his head is sinking- his thoughts are now worthless his memory is fading into the sand
      • The statue was constructed from stone represents how heartless he was. Also ironic- it was strong but like his power it is in decay
      • The poet shows that lust for power/ materialism is not sustainable long term- it's futile- he fades and his memory fades
    • Exclamative "My name is Ozymandias, King of kings: Look on my works, ye mighty and despair"
      • Pronoun shows arrogance/ announcing his title
      • He wanted to be noticed/ feared
      • He uses slaves to contrast 'his' works and refers to himself as the only true king
      • Challenges the gods- views himself as superior so "it" highlights his pride and the irony of the statue now. He thought he was immortal/ equal to the gods.
    • Irony "Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command tell that its sculptor well those passions read"
      • The statue to an extent is physically strong, but the king has lost his mental aptitude/ creadability
      • Enemy attacks or the desert (nature) has worn away the kings face
      • He was unattractive, not heroically handsome and he ruled as a despot
      • His face is unappealing- perhaps because the sculptor wanted to emphasise his cruelty or the king requested that the sculptor portrayed him as fierce
      • perhaps the sculptor was forced to build the statue
    • Alliteration "Boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away"
      • It shows the desert is empty/ without human inhabitants now- the statue has no meaning
      • No one views the grand statue anymore- knowledge of the king fades
      • Divine retribution- he is dead now
      • Nature/ time overpower the king and his emblem


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