Ozymandias Mindmap

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  • Ozymandias-Percy Bysshe Shelley
    • irony and rhythm
      • no regular rhythm or rhyme scheme- fragmented structure reflects king's 'shattered' power
        • could reflect how temporary and breakable human structures are
        • mixing of different sonnet forms could reflect Shelley's rebellious ideas
        • line 10-Ozymandias’ voice – breaks iambic pentameter- reflects the king’s belief that he is above the law.
        • enjambement and caesura throughout - sense of fragmentation
          • mirrors broken statue/ how Ozymandias' power has crumbled
      • Irony-Ozymandias thinks his power will be immortal but instead it crumbles like the statue
      • second hand account- speaker is telling a story told to him
        • highlights insignificance of Ozymandias -how few people have seen for themselves the statue he created to be immortalised.
      • poem is in sonnet form - traditionally love poem
        • suggest Ozymandias' love for himself/ego
    • themes
      • human power is ephemeral (temporary)
        • caesura (line break) after "remains" in line 12 -Ozymandias' power has come to an end
        • juxtaposition of "colossal" and "wreck" - contrast between former power and current state
        • ruined statue is a metaphor for political power
      • negative portrayal of Ozymandias
        • negative language used to describe ruler e.g. "sneer", "frown", "wrinkled", "stamped
          • reflects poets own feelings towards the king + those who rule in a cruel manner
        • alliteration of harsh 'c' and 'b' sound in 'cold command' and 'boundless and bare'
      • Ozymandias as a corrupt ruler / misuse of power
        • repetition of 'king' in 'king of kings' - wishes to portray himself as omnipotent
          • suggest he is trying to deify himself
        • imperative verb 'look' indicates how controlling the king was
    • summary
      • Describes the narrator's meeting with a traveller from a foreign land
      • This traveller told him a story about finding the shattered remains of an ancient statue of a king in the desert
      • The inscription beneath the statue indicates that the king was arrogant, proud and boastful
      • Ozymandias is another name for the powerful ancient Egyptian pharaoh - Rames II
      • overarching message that human power is temporary
    • context
      • Shelley was a romantic poet and wrote Ozymandias in 1871
      • He was politically radical and disapproved of the British monarchy
      • could argue that this poem is a criticism of wielding (having and using) power in an undemocratic way and ruling as a tyrant.
    • key ideas
      • arrogance of rulers
        • arrogance of Ramses and other leaders, power has led to pride and the mistreatment of others
      • power of art
        • art, language and literature are more enduring than human power
          • nothing remains of Ozymandias except a statue and an inscription
      • timeless messages still relevant today
        • temporary nature of political power
        • abuse of power




Extremely detailed, covering all aspects of the poem

Emily Croftsx





radical dude!!



how did u get all this info!!!!!!

this is incredible:)



wowcher defo ganna pass my test thanks 

Jess Naylor


Very detailed, will be helpful this year. Thanks!



you’ve saved my nut



Ozymandias was written in 1817 and published in 1818 , i think its just a typo 



unprintable it cuts it off



english lit tmrw and im just doing this now? im cooked

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