Othello character quotes

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  • Created on: 07-02-20 11:47
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  • Othello
    • Act 1
      • Scene 1
        • Not present but mentioned
        • "an old black ram/ Is tupping your white ewe!" - Iago
          • Racism
        • "lascivious Moor" - Roderigo
          • Racism -links with East being seen as lustful
      • Scene 2
        • "My parts, my title and my perfect soul"
          • confidence and actions speak for themselves
        • "Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them"
          • responds to threats with words and is civilised
      • Scene 3
        • "Valiant Othello" - Duke
          • respected and has an important role
        • "I won his daughter"
          • clear defence but could be seen as posessive
        • "disports corrupt and taint my business
          • Desdemona won't effect his work
    • Act 2
      • Scene 1
        • "It gives me wonder great as my content to see you here before me"
          • Love of Desdemona
        • "I suspect the lusty Moor/ Hath leaped into my sea" -Iago
          • No evidence just jealousy
      • Scene 2
        • "our noble and valiant general" - Herald
          • Importance - he has a Herald


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