Non- communicable diseases

  • Created by: d14dazzob
  • Created on: 01-10-17 15:03
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  • Non-Communicable diseases B7
    • Risk Factors and Impacts
      • Genes and your age. Aspects of life e.g smoking, no exercise or overeating. Also being exposed to Carcinogens
      • Substances in the Environment or body. e.g ionising radiation, UV light or second hand smoke
      • Scientists often find correlation between lifestyle factors and particular diseases
        • Casual Mechanism - explains how one factor influences another through a biological factor
      • Diseases often cost huge sums of money for the individual and the family.
        • They also cost nations money at the expense of treating people. Global economy suffers
        • Have the greatest impact of humans and economy
    • Cancer
      • Tumour formation
        • Benign and Malignant tumours result in abnormal cell division
          • Benign tumours only form in one place and don't spread
          • Malignant tumour cells are cancers. they invade neighbouring tissues and may spread to different parts of the body
            • May spread in blood to other parts of the body where they form secondary tumours
        • Tumour cells divide rapidly and live for a long time
      • Causes
        • Genes, mutations, UV light, X-rays and ionising radiation
      • Treatment
        • Radiotherapy- cancer cells destroyed by target doses of radiation. Chemotherapy - chemicals used to stop cells dividing or make them self-destruct
    • Smoking and the risk of disease
      • Smoking can cause cardiovascular disease e.g coronary heart disease, lung cancer and lung diseases e.g bronchitis and COPD
        • Nicotine is  addictive and relatively harmless
        • Carbon monoxide can cause damage to body cells. It is a poisonous gas found in tobacco smoke. If it is in your system you can find it hard to breath
        • Smoke causes the blood vessels in your skin to become narrower making your skin age
          • Smoking and nicotine increase the heart rate and blood pressure. Making heart diseases common in smokers e.g heart attacks and strokes
      • Smoking and Pregnancy
        • A fetus exposed to smoke has restricted oxygen, can lead to premature birth, low birth weight and still birth
      • Carconogens
        • Toxic compound in smoke is Tar. It accumulates in the lungs turning them from pink to grey.
          • Tar can cause many different Cancers. That's why it is a carcinogen
    • Diet, exercise and disease
      • Diet affects your risk of developing diseases through cholesterol levels and obesity
      • Exercise levels affects the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases
      • Obesity is a strong risk factor for type 2 diabetes
      • Type 2 diabetes
        • Body does not make enough insulin to control blood sugar levels.
          • Gets more common with age, can be genetic, being overweight is a big cause of having it
    • Alcohol and other carcinogens
      • Alcohol can damage the liver and cause cirrhosis and liver cancer
        • Can cause brain damage and death
        • Alcohol  taken during pregnancy can affect the development of her unborn baby
      • Ionising radiation
        • radiation penetrates the cells and damages the chromosomes what can lead to mutations in the DNA
          • Examples: UV light, Radioactive materials, x-rays, accidents in nuclear power generation


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