Natural selection + evolution

  • Created by: Dave1010
  • Created on: 17-12-17 19:04
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  • Genetics
    • Variation: the differences in phenotypes within a population
      • Genetic variation is variation caused directly by your genetics (e.g. eye colour)
      • Environmental variation is variation caused by differences in the environments a species lives in.
        • An example is the colour of a plant's leaves: plants in direct sunlight have greener leaves than those grown in darker places
    • Theory of evolution:
      • All of today's species have evolved from simple life forms that first started to develop over 3 billion years ago
      • Natural selection
        • Individuals within a species show variation due to mutations and mixture of genetics
          • Some genetic variation gives rise to a phenotype that help the individual survive better than others in the species (e.g. longer legs so it can escape from predators)
            • The organisms with these advantageous genetics are more likely to survive and reproduce than those without the advantage
              • These advantageous characteristics are passed onto the next generation
                • Over time, the number of organisms with the advantageous characteristics will decrease, whilst the number with the characteristics will increase
                  • This leads to a change in the genetics of the species.
    • Natural selection
      • Individuals within a species show variation due to mutations and mixture of genetics
        • Some genetic variation gives rise to a phenotype that help the individual survive better than others in the species (e.g. longer legs so it can escape from predators)
          • The organisms with these advantageous genetics are more likely to survive and reproduce than those without the advantage
            • These advantageous characteristics are passed onto the next generation
              • Over time, the number of organisms with the advantageous characteristics will decrease, whilst the number with the characteristics will increase
                • This leads to a change in the genetics of the species.


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