
  • Created by: cmillward
  • Created on: 20-09-15 16:08
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  • Mitosis
    • Phases
      • Synthesis
        • S phases -Between G1 and G2, part of the cell is synthesising more DNA
        • Synthesis= DNA replication
    • Prophase
      • Chromosomes join In an 'x' shape
    • Telophase
      • chromosomes unravel, there are now 2 nuclei in 1 cell
    • Metaphase
      • Move to the middle. Centromeres attach to spindles and are pulled
    • Anaphase
      • Spindles shorten and pull chromosomes apart
  • cytokenisis
    • Cytoplasm's divide, there are now 2 identical cells.
    • Mitosis
      • Phases
        • Synthesis
          • S phases -Between G1 and G2, part of the cell is synthesising more DNA
          • Synthesis= DNA replication
      • Prophase
        • Chromosomes join In an 'x' shape
      • Telophase
        • chromosomes unravel, there are now 2 nuclei in 1 cell
      • Metaphase
        • Move to the middle. Centromeres attach to spindles and are pulled
      • Anaphase
        • Spindles shorten and pull chromosomes apart


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