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  • Memory
    • Nostalgia
      • A sentimental desire to return to or look back on a previous part of your life, often including feelings of happiness about the time or place
    • Why is Kathy nostalgic?
      • Solitary lifestyle as a carer
      • Lost everything other than memories of her past
        • R and T have completed
          • "I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I won't lose my memories of them"
          • Memories are all that connects her to R and T after their death and closure of Hailsham
            • "it was like someone coming along with a pair of shears and snipping the balloon strings"
        • H lost to her (doesn't know where to find it and is closed)
          • "Driving around the country now, I still see things that remind me of Hailsham"
          • Once closed, there's nothing physical to connect K's present with her past, so memories of people in past gain importance
        • Veterans and Keffers also exited her life
        • Important she feels she can control the possession of some parts of herself as she is going to lose her organs through donation
        • No mention of funerals for clones
      • Don't have many personal possessions to frame her individuality on
        • No mention of photographs, she has tapes, some lamps, R doesn't seem to have anything personal, T has sketchbooks
    • Why/how aren't other characters as nostalgic?
      • H is "special" (made a point of throughout), and isn't the memories of a brutal centre many donors are left with
        • "his face beneath the blotches went into a completely new kind of grimace. And I realise how desperately he didn't want to be reminded"
          • Sets tone in 1st chapter that memories are important in the novel
      • R throws collection out and fails to remember H
        • Thought moving on from H was mature
    • Effect of memory on R and K's relationship
      • Shared experience at H helped them overcome their differences
      • K treats R generously as her memories of her (although manipulative) are the only remnants of what is now absent
    • How do authorities try to limit the nostalgia felt by clones and why?
      • Limit their chance to develop a sense of identity
        • Prevents clones from resisting or complaining
          • However, still develop memories
        • To convince normals of their lack of humanity
          • What separates humans and animals is our ability to remember past and think of future


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