Describing Meeus and Raaijmakers

  • Created by: emily_w
  • Created on: 30-03-15 11:05
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  • Meeus and Raaijmakers (1986)
    • Aim
      • To test how obedient people were in a situation which was more realistic
      • To test obedience in a more liberal culture
    • Procedure
      • University researcher, job applicant (actor) and participant present.
        • To get job, applicant had to answer 32 oral multiple-choice questions. Job involved being able to deal with stress
          • Applicant followed script. When answer was wrong, participant had to issue comment abusing other's personality or performance.
            • 15 negative comments in total
            • Applicant sometimes interrupted to protest negative comments but participant instructed to ignore
              • Applicant failed test due to stress and did not get job.
                • Procedure
                  • University researcher, job applicant (actor) and participant present.
                    • To get job, applicant had to answer 32 oral multiple-choice questions. Job involved being able to deal with stress
                      • Applicant followed script. When answer was wrong, participant had to issue comment abusing other's personality or performance.
                        • 15 negative comments in total
                        • Applicant sometimes interrupted to protest negative comments but participant instructed to ignore
                          • Applicant failed test due to stress and did not get job.
      • Participants
        • 39
        • Men and women
        • Aged 18-55
        • Volunteers
        • Answered newspaper ad for stress experiment
        • Control group of 15, experiment group of 24
        • Paid $13
        • All had equivalent of GCSEs
      • Results
        • 22/24 participants in experimental group made all 15 remarks
        • Most participants protested but continued when ordered
        • Follow-up questionnaire
          • 73% of all participants thought it was real, 4% hoax, 23% unsure
          • 45% blamed experimenter for applicant not getting job, 33% blamed self, 22% blamed applicant
        • In control group, nobody made stress comments
      • Conclusions
        • Obedience is higher in more liberal culture
        • Participants more likely to obey orders causing psychological rather than physical harm


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