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  • Medieval 1250-1500
    • Ideas of cause
      • At the time, they believed that God would punish those who had sinned with disease, and that, so people would pray for God to forgive them.
      • People also believed that witches and devils were the cause of an outbreak of disease e.g The Black Death
      • Members of the Church would perform exorcisms to remove spirits from peoples body to cleanse them of the evil
    • The Church
      • The Roman Catholic Church was a very powerful organisation, and it would dominate the way people studied things (like medicine)
      • The Church encouraged many people to believe that God caused diseases, which prevented people from trying to find cures for illnesses
      • The Church also made sure that scholars learned the work of Galen as his ideas fitted Christian values
      • They also outlawed dissection, which meant that we could not find out what was in the human body
    • Astrology
      • People used to diagnose the sick with the movements of the planets and the stars. Star signs were also used.
      • It was developed between 1100-1300 and it uses a calendar called an almanac
    • The Theory of the Four Humours
      • The theory of the Four Humours was a theory proposed by Galen that if someone was ill, there humours (black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm). They needed to be in balance to be healthy
        • He also believed that diseases could be solved with opposites, so he thought hat different foods and drinks were linked to certain humours, which could help cure the diseases
        • Blood - could be seen from nose bleeds and cuts Plegm - if you had a cold or a runny nose Black bile - if you were throwing up or had stomach pains      Yellow Bile - being sick
    • Miama Theory
      • This theory was that diseases were called by bad air. This was to come from dead bodies, abattoirs and things that smell bad
      • This theory was used until 1860's (ending with Germ Theory), meaning that the church had a lot of influence on the people
    • Blood Letting and Purging
      • These were popular treatments because they fitted in with the Four Humours.
      • Purging - when a doctor would give a patient laxatives to cleanse the body
      • Bloodletting - where the patient would cut themselves to let out blood (link with the blood humour)
    • Other treatments of disease
      • Purifying the air (linked to the miasma theory)
      • Remedies from apothecaries


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