Media ownership and control

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  • Media ownership and control
    • Media concentration: bigger organisations have swallowed smaller ones. So there are fewer owners.
    • Peake- 1988: 4 TV channels, 60 commercial radio channels and 0 web pages
      • 2007: 100+ TV channels, 1+ billion web pages...... however media owners are becoming less therefore there is an illusion of choice (Marcuse)
    • Devereux- there are three types of ownership: Public ownership (funded by the public), Private ownership (funded by advertisements) and community (local radio's)
    • Bagdikian- Wrote media monopoly and predicted there are 5 major corporations in the US but individually it would be 25,000 owners
  • Vertical integration - Companies own all steps in production to increase profit and cut out the middle man
  • Horizontal integration-  one company buys different types of media, virgin buys planes and TV
  • Transnational organisations- no longer restricted by national boundaries = cultural imperialism
  • Synergy - integration of different media forms. action figues
  • Liberal approach (Curran and Seaton) Functionalists: competition increases quality and creates more choice, would go bust because we have control and protect us from the government - North Korea
  • Radical Approach (Mosco) Marxists: too much power to advertisers, Driven by profit not quality and less choice as repeats are shown


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