maintaining body temperature

  • Created by: dmistry02
  • Created on: 14-06-14 17:41
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  • Maintaining body temperature
    • Sensing temperature
      • maintaining a constant temperature requires absorption of heat from the environment and losing your body heat.
      • Sensors are receptors
        • sensory organs include:
          • eyes
          • nose
          • skin
          • Ear
          • tongue
        • send impulses to the brain which send messages to the effector.
    • Coping with high and low temperatures
      • humans are most efficient at 37 celcius
        • exercise causes respiration releasing energy causing heat energy
          • sweat evaporates taking the heat energy
            • humans are most efficient at 37 celcius
              • exercise causes respiration releasing energy causing heat energy
                • sweat evaporates taking the heat energy
                • body shivers
                  • the movement of muscle speeds up cell respiration heating the body
            • body shivers
              • the movement of muscle speeds up cell respiration heating the body
            • Vasodilation
              • when body is hot
              • more blood flow to the surface causing a loss of heat
            • Vasoconstriction
              • when body is cold
              • reduces flow of blood to surface reducing the amount of heat lost
            • effectors act antagonistically


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