lung diseases

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  • Lung Diseases
    • Pulmonary tuberculosis
      • Symptoms include: persistant cough, tiredness and loss of appetite
      • Spread by a droplet infection, so more vulnerable to spread in crowded enviroments where there is a lot of close contact
      • The Course of infection
        • Bacteria grow and divide in upper lungs where there is lots of oxygen
        • Bodys immune response means lots of white blood cess accumulate there
        • This causes enlargement of lymph nodes because of inflammation
        • Bacteria cause formation of scar tissue - effects diffusion pathway
        • Bacteria can enter blood from lungs and spread around body.
    • Pulmonary Fibrosis
      • Symptoms include: shortness of breath when excercising, dry cough, tiredness, chest pain
      • Occurs when Scar tissue forms on epithelium of the lungs causing them to be thicker
        • this means oxygen cannot diffuse as efficiently because of the thicker diffusion pathway
      • Also reduces elasticity of the lungs so they can not recoil as powerfully and air is not pushed out as forcefully
    • Asthma
      • its a localsied allergic reaction, can be triggered by dust mites, fur, pollen etc
      • The allergens casue white blood cells on lining of bronchi and Bronchioles to release a chemical called histamine
        • The histamine causes the lining of the airways to inflame, so the cells on the epithelium release more mucus than normal. The muscle around the bronchi contract and constrict the airways
    • Emphysema
      • Takes over 20 years to develop
      • Healthy lungs contain lots of elastin which stretches when we breathe in and recoils to force air out
        • when you have emphysema the elastin has been permnatly  stretched


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