Long-term Memory R.A

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  • Long-term Memory
    • Implicit(Non-Declarative) memories.
      • Our unconscious memories formed from our behaviors (how to use your pen in your chemistry exam).
        • Procedural-Stores information about how to do things, no conscious recall.Memories of our learned skills.
      • Can't be consciously recalled and is difficult to put into words.
    • Explicit (Declarative) memories.
      • Those we consciously try to remember and recall(material you are learning for your chemistry exam).
        • Episodic- Our experiences and events with associated people who have some kind of personal meaning to us.
        • Semantic- Facts/concept about the world and associated language,the ability to relate two concepts together.
      • Consciously recalled and can be put into words.
    • Peterson et al showed that episodic memories were recalled from the right prefrontal cortex while semantic  memories were recalled from the left prefrontal cortex.
      • This supports the idea that there are different types of LTM.
      • This also shows they each have a different neurological basis because they are recalled from different parts of the brain.
    • The cases of HM & Clive Wearing show how one type of LTM can be impaired while others remain unaffected further proving there are different types in different parts in the brain.
      • Clive Wearing  was able to skillfully play the piano and understand the concept of music (semantic & procedural) but was unable to remember his wife visiting him earlier (episodic).
    • Tuvling et al(1972).


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