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  • Lipids
    • A lipid is a broad range of different molecules. All sharing the property that they're insoluble in water
    • Triglycerides
      • Fat or Oil
        • Fat = Solid at room temp
          • Mainly saturated fatty acids
        • Oil = Liquid at room temp
          • Mainly unsaturated fatty acids
      • 1 glycerol molecule + 3 molecules of fatty acids
        • Each fatty acid is joined to the glycerol by condensation reaction which creates an ESTER BOND
          • 3 Molecules of water is released!
        • Fatty acids can be identical or different
          • 70 types
          • Vary in length
          • 14-16 Carbons
            • usually even number
          • Saturated (single bonds between carbons) or Unsaturated (double bonds between carbons)
            • Position of double bond varies
            • Unsaturated will kink so molecules cant lie close to each other ...weak bonds.. lower melting point
      • Broken down by adding 3 molecules of water - Hydrolysis
      • Store energy (more than glucose)
        • Lots of H needed for making ATP
      • Insoluble ... don't effect the water potential
      • Insulation
      • Buoyance
      • Protects organs
      • Waterproofing
    • Phospholipids
      • 1 glycerol molecule, 2 fatty acids, 1 phosphate group
        • Phosphate group can dissolve in water (charged)
        • Fatty acids = non-polar so they're hydrophobic taiils
      • Cell Membranes
        • Hydrophobic tail provide a barrier to water soluble moleules
        • The head can dissolve in the cytoplasm or tissue fluid
    • Cholesterol
      • Component of cell membranes in animals
      • OH group sticks between the polar hydrophillic heads of the phospholipids
        • The rest of the molecule is non-polar so it will sit between the tails
      • Also makes bile to digest fat
      • Also makes hormones


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