Learning theory of attachment

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  • Learning theory of attachment
    • Learning theory suggests that we learn to become attached to their caregivers
    • It is sometimes called the 'cupboard love theory' because it says attachment is depend on food
    • Operant conditioning
      • This is linked to drive reduction-a instinctive need that causes behaviour change
      • The baby is hungry which causes it to make noise
        • The primary giver (or mother) feeds the baby(reward) which reduces the negative drive state
          • The primary giver is negatively reinforced by the reduction of hunger.
            • The mother is the source of food which forms attachment
    • Classical conditioning
      • This occurs when a natural response to an enviromental stimulas become associated with something else
      • Before conditioning: UCS-Food UR-leads to satisfaction After: UCS-Food + NS-cargiver=UR-leads to satisfaction
        • The mother becomes the source of pleasure which leads to attachment
    • Scaffer and Emerson showed that infants form multiple attachments where they form attachments to people who don't feed them
    • Operant conditioning has strong support as it has been demonstrated many times in experiments. For example Pavlov and Skinner
    • These theories cannot explain the evidence from Harlow as the infant monkeys showed attachment to the cloth mother without food.This shows attachment is sense of comfort and security rather than the providing of food


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