Labelling theory

  • Created by: idac
  • Created on: 27-11-17 20:28
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  • Labelling theory
    • explores how and why certain people become labelled as criminal or deviant
      • working class, young, black males from a low income family and broken home most likely to be labelled as criminal/deviant
    • Stereotyping
      • Members of some groups such as people with mental health are sometimes labelled and treated according to stereotypes
        • A young woman starts taking illegal drugs. Overtime her use increases.
          • She is publicly identified, labelled and marked out as a drug addict.
            • The label influences how people behave towards her and how they respond to her. She is rejected by close ones, loses her job and comes to see herself as deviant.
              • She turns to shoplifting to finance her drug dependancy, as a consequence becoming further involved in crime and deviance.
                • She now meets others in the same situation as herself and becomes a part of a deviant subculture and lifestyle.
      • A fixed, standardised and distorted views of the characteristics of a particular group such as women. Stereotypes are often based on prejudice.
    • Labelling someone as deviant may help create a self fulfilling prophecy by pushing people further towards deviance


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