Ionic Bonding

  • Created by: Honoria
  • Created on: 17-11-13 14:12
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    • Occurs between non-metals and metals
    • Eg. sodium and chlorine.
      • Sodium is a metal - has one outer electron.
        • Loses one electron.
          • Stable electronic configuration - noble gas electron structure.
            • Gains one electron.
              • Negatively charged ion - 1-
      • Chlorine is a non-metal - it has 7 outer electrons.
        • Gains one electron.
          • Negatively charged ion - 1-
      • Solid at room temperature
        • High melting and boiling points.
      • Brittle - shatter easily
        • If sharp force applied down line of ions, may move ions & produce contact with ions of same charges (since is a lattice of alternating charge).
          • Repel
      • Conduct electricity when molten or dissolved.
        • Ions free to move and therefore carry current from cathode to anode.


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