humanistic approach

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  • humanistic approach
    • free will
      • this is the  idea that humans can make choices and are not determined by biological or external factors.
    • maslow
      • he was not interested in what went wrong with people, but rather he was interested in finding out what could go right with them
      • his hierarchy of needs emphasized the importance of personal growth and fulfillment. this opened doors for later movement in psych, like positive psychology and happiness
    • the self
      • humans have a basic need to feel nurtured and valued by significant people in their lives (love/praise from parents
      • unconditional positive regard-(love given without conditions) develops a health sense of self worth.
      • children who receive negative regard, such as criticism and blame develop low self esteem
        • to avoid this, the parents should blame behaviour rather than the child
    • focus on the self
      • the self or self-concept refers to how we perceive ourselves as a person.
        • rogers (1951) claimes that people have 2 basic needs: positive regards from other people and feelings of self worth
          • feelings of self worth develpo in cvhiuldhhod and are formed as a result of the child's interactions with the parents
    • congruence
      • this is when there is a similarity between the ideal self and how they perceive themselves.
        • however if there is a difference between the two then the person experiences a state of incongruence.


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