Human activity and the Enviroment

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 05-05-14 18:28
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  • Human activity and the Enviroment
    • The population of the world is increasing due to the development of modern medicine as it has stopped the  widespread death from disease.
      • The development of agriculture has also helped because it is now easier to provide food for such high population.
        • To meet the high demand for food sources farmers add fertilisers to their crops to encourage growth. If the nitrates or phosphates in fertilisers wash into a lake or stream it can result in eutrophication (over enrichment) and the death of wildlife.
          • More pollutants are being produced: phosophates (e.g. from detergents), nitrates (e.g. from fertilisers) and sulfur dioxide (e.g. burning fossil fuels).
          • 1. Excess nitrate washes into river causing rapid growth of algae.
            • 2. Some plants start dying due to competition for life.
              • 3. Microbe numbers increase as they feed on the dead animals.
                • 4. Microbes use up all the oxygen. Fish and other aquatic animals suffocate.
    • A larger population affects the environment more:
      • More waste is being produced
      • More pollutants are being produced: phosophates (e.g. from detergents), nitrates (e.g. from fertilisers) and sulfur dioxide (e.g. burning fossil fuels).
      • Raw materials including non-renewable energy resources are rapidly being used up.
  • To meet the high demand for food sources farmers add fertilisers to their crops to encourage growth. If the nitrates or phosphates in fertilisers wash into a lake or stream it can result in eutrophication (over enrichment) and the death of wildlife.
    • 1. Excess nitrate washes into river causing rapid growth of algae.
      • 2. Some plants start dying due to competition for life.
        • 3. Microbe numbers increase as they feed on the dead animals.
          • 4. Microbes use up all the oxygen. Fish and other aquatic animals suffocate.


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