Inheritance and selection

  • Created by: EtoG
  • Created on: 07-09-15 17:56
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  • How the body systems interact
    • Respiratory and Digestive system
      • Respiratory system collects oxygen from the atmosphere carbon dioxide into the blood and at the same time releases carbon dioxide.
      • The lungs are the main organ of RS and are specially adapted to provide a large surface area for gas exchange.
      • The Digestive system breaks down large insoluble food molecules into small soluble food molecules. We use glucose for energy but we need many other things if we want to have a balanced diet.
    • Circulatory system
      • The heart, blood vessels and blood, transport glucose and oxygen (and other things) around the body.
      • It has to be in good condition
      • The heart is a strong muscle and needs exercise to stay in good shape
      • Exercise also helps to improve the blood flow through the blood vessels
      • A bad diet, smoking, to much alcohol, and lack of exercise can cause blood vessels to 'fur up' (Arteriosclerosis).
    • Skeletal system
      • Glucose and oxygen are used in all cells to release energy in the process of respiration
        • For example: In Muscle cells when they are released in respiration it is transferred into movement energy
      • Muscles work by shortening, and use the long bones of the body as levers, this produces a wide range of movement
      • Exercising the muscles is a god thing for general fitness. But there are lots of other ways.
        • Muscles work by shortening, and use the long bones of the body as levers, this produces a wide range of movement
        • A person should try to achieve some degree of strength, suppleness, speed, stamina and good body shape
        • A person should try to achieve some degree of strength, suppleness, speed, stamina and good body shape
          • The skeleton supports and protects our body, besides providing a framework for movement


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