History 1919- 1933

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  • HISTORY (1919-1933)
    • Stresemann (1923-1929)
      • Currency reform
        • Stresemann became chancellor and foreign secretary
        • He helped solve the inflation problem by making his own currency that was worth more than the old currency.
      • Dawes Plan
        • Dawes helped pay off Germany's reparations.
        • he reduced the annual payments and ensured the American banks invested in the industry.
      • the Locarno plan
        • signed in 1925- treaty between Germany, Italy, France, England
        • agreed that borders stayed the same, troops left Rhineland, France promised peace, and agreed league of nations.
      • the young plan
        • reduced total payments of reparations and gave them more time to pay it
        • reduced payments for £6.6billion to £2 billion and 59 more years to pay them off
      • the league of nations
        • Germany got a place on league of nations council
        • this is another step towards equality for Germany
      • Kellogg-Braid Pact
        • a promise among international countries that they would not use war to solve their problems.
        • it persuaded others to see Germany as a respectable member of the international community
    • Germany (1919-1922)
      • The Spartacist
        • they wanted to over throw the government
        • Luxemburg and Libknecht were both murdered by the freikorps
          • executed without trial
        • wanted to set up left wing governemnt
        • friekorps were requested to help by the governemt showing that they were weak
      • the Kapp putsch
        • wanted to bring back Kaiser
        • the friekorps realised they were e**ential and government cant stop them
          • the freikorps gained power
    • Hitler rise to power (1932-1933)
      • The presidential elections - 1932
        • the elections took place: Hindenburg got 19 million, the communists got 4 million but Hitler got 13 million.
          • this was because Hitler was gaining a name for himself through his speeches. this led to Hitler gaining power
      • Von Papen becomes Chancellor
        • Scheicher and Papen invited the Nazis to join there coalition because they thought they could control them
          • this meant that the Nazis gained more power as they were now in the government.
      • The fall of Chancellor Bruning
        • Bruning used the presidential decree to ban the ** and sa.
          • this led to unrest in the right wing groups
        • Schleicher forms a right wing groups that gained the majority vote from the Reichstag and burning was sacked
      • Von schleicher becomes chancellor
        • 39 busine**es wanted Hitler to be chancellor but Hindenburg a**igned Schleicher
          • he failed to win majority Reichstag so Hitler and Papen conspired against him.
      • Hitler becomes Chancellor
        • Hindenburg agreed to let Hitler become chancellor. this happened because schleicher felt pre**ured by Hitler and the right wing groups. this gave Hitler lots of power.
    • Nuremburg laws and impact
      • The Laws
        • Jews lost the right to vote, hold government office or have German pa**ports
        • Jews were not allowed to marry Germans
        • Jews had to register all of there po**e**ions
        • Jews had to carry identification cards
        • Jewish doctors, dentists and lawyers could only treat Jews.
      • the impact
        • many of these laws led to greater segregation of the jews
        • it could also make it easier for the government to single them out and punish them.
        • it also led to the Jews loosing money and busine**
  • Occupation of the ruhr
    • French troops took over Ruhr
      • they confiscated raw materials, manufactured goods, industrial machinery when they couldn't pay reparations.
    • the German government told the citizens to pa**ively resist the French.
    • Germany could not fight back because the treaty of Versailles reduced there army to 100,000 this was no match for the 175,000
    • Germany lost all there factories and 80% of there coal, iron and steel re**erves
      • it also increased Germanys debt, unemployment and shortage of goods.


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