History of the atom

  • Created by: Khadija
  • Created on: 15-02-20 13:12
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  • The history of an atom
    • John Dalton
      • In the 19th century he described atoms as solid spheres.
      • Different spheres made up of different elements.
    • J J Thomas
      • In 1897 he concluded from his experiment that atoms weren't solid spheres.
      • His measurement for charged and mass showed even smaller negatively charged particles - electrons.
      • The Plum pudding model
        • Showed atom as a ball of positive charge with electrons stuck in it.
    • Ernest Rutherford
      • In 1909 he and his student carried out alpha particle scattering experiments.
        • They fired positively charged alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold.
        • From plum pudding model expected particles to pass straight sheet or deflect back.
          • As the +charge of atom was thought to be spread out through 'pudding' of atom.
          • Most particles went straight through, some deflected back more than expected so plum pudding couldn't be right.
      • Nuclear model of atom to explain evidence.
        • Tiny, positively charged nucleus at centre, where mass is concentrated.
        • Cloud of negative electrons surrounds nucleus so most atom is empty space.
        • When alpha particles go near nucleus they were deflected. If fired directly at nucleus they deflected backwards, if not they pass through empty space.
    • Niels Bohr
      • In 1914 his Nuclear model of atom suggested all electrons were contained in shells.
      • Electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed shells which have fixed distance from the nucleus.
      • Excited electrons fall from a high to a low energy level.
    • James Chadwick
      • Two types of subatomic particles in the nucleus
      • Had evidence of protons but not of the second sub-atomic particle. Hard to detect as it has no charge but same mass of protons.
      • In 1932 he did an experiment that explained the existence of neutrons


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