medicine through time history 1250-present day, includes ww1

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  • Medicine through Time 1250- 1700
  • Created by: neve_xx
  • Created on: 30-11-22 11:05
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  • History
    • Medicine through Time
      • Illnesses
        • Theories
          • The real cause was how dirty the streets and good hygiene wasn't a thing
            • However, the people of the 1250-1500 times thought they got sick because it was a punishment from God
              • This is where Hippocrates comes in.....
                • Hippocrates and the 4 Humours
                  • 4 Humours    To put it simply the 4 Humours were 4 bodily fluids, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile and blood
                    • This is the theory that Hippocrates came up with
                      • Hippocrates - The Father of medicine
              • As you can probably tell, the people in the Middle Ages were very religious because they were heavily influenced by the Church
                • Talking about the Church this is the perfect opportunity to talk about Galen
                  • Galen was a Greek physician
                    • He came up with the Theory of Opposites
                      • He believed that the humours cold be balanced using the theory of opposites
                        • Now, he also believed in the soul and his ideas fitted within the teachings of the Church so obviously the Church *loved* this idea
                          • Education and the Church
                            • So, the Church controlled education.
                              • All the books that were used for learning were produced in the monasteries and would therefore only contain the traditionally accepted ideas
                        • For example, if a patient had too much blood and was hot and dry, they could be treated with cucumber because it was cold and wet.
          • Miasma theory
            • The theory of bad air, some people thought the bad air had been poisoned by God
        • Treatments
          • We're back to the Church... (again)
            • As you may have figured out by now, the Church is involved in a lot of this :)
            • The Church and physicians were advising the people to wash and exercise regularly and rest to balance the 4 humours
          • One treatment would be praying and/or attending church services
            • Some people would wear charms or would go on pilgrimages
              • Some people would fast or whip themselves to show God they were sorry for their sins
            • Most people couldn't afford a physician's treatment so they would be treated by a barber surgeon or a female member of their household
              • There were also herbal treatments available such as poppies
              • Apothecaries gave out herbal remedies but this cost money
                • Going back to the Church, if people were sick they could stay in/go to the Church but the nun/monks didn't treat them, they just prayed
          • Purifying the air - Miasma Theory
            • People tried to clean the streets, carry posies, light fires and ring bells to move the bad air away
      • 1250-1500
      • 1500-1700 - Renaissance Period
        • The church's power declined, and scientists began to take control
          • 4 humours theory had been discredited in 1700 but people still believed in that and miasma
            • Small seeds spread in the air were observed using newly invented microscopes however this and other ideas like this had little impact
              • There was also the idea of the printing press was invented
                • Printing press = the Church couldn't control medical education. Scientists published their own ideas
                  • Scientists - The Royal Society was formed in 1660 to support scientists carrying out new experiments, it still continues today!
          • Andreas Vesalius
            • Key Points:    He is the most famous anatomist of the     Renaissance period               He was able to carry out a large number of dissections so he could understand more about the human body
              • Galen made some INCORRECT assumptions about the human body, so Vesalius changed them: The jaw has one bone not two, the human breastbone has three parts, not seven, blood does not flow into the heart through invisible holes in the septum but is ‘diffused’ through it
                • He was a respected doctor, and he said that to diagnose a patient, a doctor needs to look at the symptoms and treat the disease that was causing them. He refused to solely rely on medical books
                • Thomas Syndenham
                  • Known as the English Hippocrates
        • Treatments and other info
          • Treatments
            • Bloodletting, purging, herbal remedies and superstition and religious beliefs - there were very little ways in which the treatments had changed in the Renaissance period


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