Henry VIII

  • Created by: Meagp
  • Created on: 05-01-19 19:22
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  • Henry VIII
    • Reactions to
      • Accession
        • Happy to be rid of father as took all money, Executed Empson and Dudley so became popular for movement. Great joy at coronation.
          • Peace, incomes, crown lands, finances in surplus
      • Death
        • I think many were relieved the constant war would be over, many had suffered through worse standard of living and religious upheaval
          • Poverty, war, inflation, debasement
    • Economical
      • Wars-Effected as had to raise taxes to pay for them e.g. amicable grant 1525 and Tudor Subsidy 1523
      • Trade- rise in cloth export and decline in raw wool. Matched by an import of wine suggest spending of prosperous classes increased. Places like London had good trade as most directed but places like Bristol suffered in decline from this. Kersey cloth increased in popularity. By 1550's 70% cloth transported by Eng merchants
      • Inheritance- Henry VII left the country in prosperity, well fed and at peace so no expensive wars to inherit.
      • Prosperity ev- debasement created short term boost in 1544-1546 but damaged living standards later, 1520's agriculture prices rose-good for farm bad for people possibly by engrossing, decline in mortality
      • Depression ev- Bad harvests 20-1 and 27-29 significant rise in food price, food prices almost doubled across reign. Guy says caused problems for urban workers, real wages declined for many especially in debas, assessment for subsidies indicated pov- 1/2 of Coventry had no personal wealth.
      • Impact of enclosures- was causing poor to leave their homes in some cases, more's Utopia pushed Wolsey to do commission
    • Religious
      • Religion during divorce era 1527-29  1527 Charles V sacks Rome and can pressure for no divorce 1529 Divorce court with Cardinal Campeggio ruled against divorce,
      • Post divorce to end of      1530s             33- Henry breaks with Rome Acct of restraint of Appeals 35- start visiting monasteries    34- Act of Supremacy, Treason act , Act Annexing First fruit and tenths to the crown 36 dissolve smaller monasteries, Royal injunctions, Lincolnshire rising+ Pilgrimage of Grace, six articles        38- second royal injunctions      39-  dissolution of all monasteries, reprint of bible, marriage to Anne of Cleaves, Pope tries to unite Catholic powers against England, ten Articles
      • 1540 till 1547  43- king's book published
      • Religious problems before - corruption, anti clericalism, decline of monasticism and new ideas
    • Foreign Policy
      • France
        • 1509-1513 1510-Renegotiation of french pension in 1512-First invasion of France (scot) 1513-second invasion and battle of Flodden capturing Tournai and Therouanne
        • 1514-1526 1514-marriage of Mary and Louis XII 1515-death of Louis XII 1516- Noyton Spain and France 1517- Treaty of Cambrai HRE and France, heir presumptive sent to scot by french 1518- Treaty of London European peace 1520-Field of Cloth of Gold 1522- at war with England 1525- Charles defeat french at Pavia (peace)
        • 1527-1540 1527-England offers support to France again HRE 1529- French defeat at Landriano, peace of Cambrai with HRE 1532- defensive alliance with England 1536- more fighting between HRE and France 1538-Peace with HRE 1539- Pope encourages invasion of England by Catholics
        • 1540-1547 1542-Invasion of scot (Auld alliance) 1543- Treaty of Grenwich eng and scot 1544- Invasion of Scot and france 1545- french counter invasion isle of white 1546- peace with france
      • HRE/Spain
        • 1509-1514 1509- married Catherine 1510- entered into spanish alliance against France 1514- offensive on french abandoned by span and HRE leaving Hen sour
        • 1514-1526 1516- Death of Ferdinand, Treaty of Noyton with France 1517- Treaty of Cambrai with Fran 1518- Treaty of London for European Peace 1519- Charles elec HRE 1521- Treaty of Bruge with Eng 1525- defeat french with eng
        • 1527-1540 1527- Charles sacks Rome so is in control of divorce. Catherine wrote him letters 1529- Treaty of Cambrai after defeating french 1533- Henry breaks with Rome 1536- Renewal of fighting with Eng 1538- peace with french 1539- Pope calls for Caths to invade Eng
        • 1540-1547 mostly messed about with France and Scotland to annoy them
      • Scotland
        • 1509-1513 1513- war against Eng due to Auld alliance, battle of Flodden death of James- son infant and Hen sister left in charge
        • 1514-1526 1517- Heir presumptive sent to Scot by Fran to stir trouble
        • 1527-1540 possibly dragged in to few wars by the french as BFFs
        • 1541-1547 1542- invasion of Scotland 1543- Treaty of Greenwich with England 1544- Invasion of Scotland and France
      • Pope/Papal states
        • Managed to create the Holy league with the Papacy at the start of reign. Henry was called the Defender of the Faith until;he screwed it up and asked for a divorce then there was trickiness. Pope called for Catholic invasion of Eng in 1539-  not good!
    • Political
      • Wolsey
        • Rome and church
          • Was Papal Legate so spoke for the Pope. Got church involved with divorce and had roman bishop in divorce court.
        • Courts-  set up court of Chancery to deal with land problems, Count of Star Chamber- looked at corruption in local areas. Court of Requests- poor people's court.
        • First came to power due organising the french campaign after many dissuaded Henry.   Failed to get divorce so was executed almost executed if hadn't died despite trying to persuade Rome.
      • Cromwell
        • Acts of Par- 1533Act of Restraint of Appeals- No foreign interference. 1534 Act of supremacy- head of church. 1534 Act of succession- push Mary out. 1534 Treason act- can't say anything against Anne. 1534 Annexing First Fruit and Tenths to crown- money went to crown instead of Rome
        • Failed in marriage to Anne of Cleves as Henry didn't fancy her (the pig). Was sent for the chop
      • "Monarchy was personal. Everything, therefore, depended on the King's willingness to devote himself it business" Ives
    • Social
      • Rebellions
        • Amicable grant- strong resistance in Essex and Suffolk. 1000 people between the borders as protest. Norfolk and Suffolk dukes reported 4000 resisters, mostly unemploy cloth workers. Was lenient as realised couldn't pay fell when faced with Suffolk
        • Lincolnshire Risings- caused murder of chancellor of diocese, was in response to monasteries closing
        • Pilgrimage of Grace-  came from Lincoln risings and was based in Yorkshire. Had religious name and icon of 5 wounds of Christ- caused Pontefract articles which weren't all religious. Norfolk outnumbers=ed so tried to negotiate. put down rebellion and hung rebels.
      • Living standards
        • Social structure remained unchanged, drop in real wages which left many upset


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