The Bloody Chamber

Quick, undetailed revision for The Bloody Chamber and gothic elements. Quotations from: The Erl King, The Lady of the House of Love, and The Tiger's Bride.

  • Created by: ycrep2
  • Created on: 13-06-16 18:06
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  • The Bloody Chamber
    • Supernatural
      • 'A little of the cold air that blows over graveyards always goes with him' (The Erl King)
    • Opposition
      • 'both death and the maiden' (Lady of House of Love)
    • The liminal
      • 'She hovers in a no man's land between life and death, sleeping and waking' (Lady of House of Love)
    • Abhuman
      • 'Nothing human lives here,' said the valet. (The Tiger's Bride)
    • The sublime
      • 'The white moon above the clearing coldly illuminates ...' (The Erl King)
    • Horror/terror
      • 'He is the tender butcher who showed me how the price of flesh is love ...' (The Erl King)
    • Isolation
    • Innocence and corruption


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