Giselle - Themes

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  • Giselle Themes
    • Love
      • Love after death
      • Love suffering
      • Yearning for the unobtainable
      • Maternal love
      • Compassionate love
    • Dance
      • Love to dance
        • Love
          • Love after death
          • Love suffering
          • Yearning for the unobtainable
          • Maternal love
          • Compassionate love
      • Dancing to death
    • Jelousy
      • Hilarion
    • Deceit
      • Albrecht
    • Remorse
      • Albrecht
    • Madness
      • Seen in literacy from Heinrich Heine + Victor Hugo, as well as artwork
    • Immortality
    • Human Passion
      • Madness
        • Seen in literacy from Heinrich Heine + Victor Hugo, as well as artwork
      • Tempest (storm) of emotions
    • Pessimism


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