GCSE Edexcel Physics Formulae

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  • GCSE Physics Formulae
    • Moments
      • Moment = force x distance from pivot
    • Motion
      • Speed = distance/ time
      • Acceleration= Change in velocity/ Time taken             a = (v-u)/t
    • Energy
      • Energy transferred = work done
      • Kinetic energy = ½ x mass x speed2          KE = 1/2 x m x v2
      • Change in potential energy = mass x change in height x gravitational field strength*
        • *Gravitational field strength takes into account the force of gravity. For calculations just consider it to be 10.
    • Electricity
      • Voltage = current x resistance      V= I x R
      • Electrical power = voltage x current      P= I x V
      • Charge = current x time  Q= I x t
    • Weight
      • Weight = mass x gravitational field strength*  W = m x g
        • *Gravitational field strength takes into account the force of gravity. For calculations just consider it to be 10.
    • Work
      • Work done = Force x Distance moved in direction of force         E= F x d
    • Magnetism - transformers
      • Input voltage/output voltage= primary turns/secondary turns
    • Density
      • Density= Mass/Volume
    • Pressure
      • Pressure = force/area
      • Pressure difference= height x density x gravitational field strength
    • Waves
      • Wave speed = frequency x wavelength
      • Refractive index = sin (angle of incidence) / sin (angle of refraction)
      • Sin (critical angle) = 1/ refractive index
  • *Gravitational field strength takes into account the force of gravity. For calculations just consider it to be 10.
  • Density= Mass/Volume
  • Wave speed = frequency x wavelength
  • Charge = current x time  Q= I x t


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