Force and motion

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  • forces and motion
    • scalars and vectors
      • scalar quantities have a size or magnitude (eg. mass and speed)
        • vector quantities have a size or magnitude but a specific direction (eg. velocity and acceleration)
    • speed (m/s) = change in distance (m)/ time taken (s)
    • acceleration is a change in velocity
      • acceleration (m/s2) = change in velocity (m/s) / time taken (s)
        • a= (v-u) / t
          • v= final velocity u= initial velocity
    • velocity is speed in a certain direction
      • v2- u2= 2 x a x X
    • newtons first law
      • a body will remain at rest or continue in a straight line if the forces and speed are balanced.
      • newtons second law
        • when a resultant force acts on a mass then there will be a change in velocity.
          • resultant force= an object with different forces acting on it which are +
    • weight is the force that a body experiences.
      • weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg)
    • mass is the measure of the amount of matter
      • Kg
    • momentum (kg m/s ) is the energy that keeps a object moving in the same direction
      • it is difficult to change the direction of movement of an object with a lot of momentum
        • p= m x v
    • force is the rate of change of momentum
      • force (N) = change in momentum (kg m/s) / time taken for change (m/s)
    • newtons third law
      • for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction
    • stopping distance
      • thinking distance= the time taken for a driver to react to a situation
        • increases when driver is : tired, distracted, alcohol or drugs
      • braking distance= the distance taken to stop once the brakes are applied
        • increases if : the roads are icy/wet, worn brakes




Nice resource but please note that momentum is not an energy (if it were then its units would be joules, not kgm/s). Also, in the equation using velocities, the v2 and u2 are actually v-squared and u-squared.



and X represents displacement (s)

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