Food Labelling

  • Created by: Bek
  • Created on: 01-04-14 17:39
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  • Food Labelling
    • Basic labelling for pre-packaged foods must include:
      • List of ingredients
      • Name and address of manufacturer/business
      • Appropriate date mark
      • Place of origin or provenance of food
      • Storage and preparation instructions
      • Weight and volume of food
      • Quantitive declaration
      • Name of food
    • In the UK
      • England
        • DEFRA are responsible for labelling legislation (non-safety)
        • FSA is responsible for safety based labelling and standards
        • DoH is responsible for nutrition policy labelling
      • Scotland/Northern Ireland FSA is responsible
      • In wales labelling is the responsibility of FSA and Nutrition legislation lies with the Welsh Assembly Government.
    • Food labelling legislation will change with new EU regulations on provision of food information to consumers. All packs with an area >10cm2 require nutritional information
    • Ingredients list
      • Prepackaged foods must be labelled with a list of ingredients
      • All ingredients are listed in descending order by wieght
      • If an ingredient is in the name of the food, a % is given
      • Additives are to be listed with their principle function followed by name or E number
      • Compound ingredients ingredients are listed
    • Allergens
      • Labelling helps consumers avoid foods which could provoke and allergic reaction
      • 14 allergens include; Gluten, Celery, Crustaceans, Eggs, Fish, Lupin, Milk, Molluscs, Nuts, Mustard, Peanuts, Sesame, Soya, Sulphates
    • Date Marking
      • Best Before = period for which food is expected to be at optimum
      • Use By = after which, consumption would risk food poisoning
      • If foods have been frozen, their life can be extended but instructions MUST be followed
    • With new legislations, mono- and poly-unsaturated fats aren't mandatory unless a claim is made. Fibre isn't required and salt will replace sodium values


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