LO1: Understand the importance of food safety

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  • LO1: Understand the importance of food safety
    • micro-organisms
      • include bcateria, mold and yeasts
        • bacteria
          • there are thousands of types of bacteria
            • Stapphyloccus, e coli, listeria, salmonella qnd clostridium are some examples
          • they are so small that thousands can fit in one area
            • because they are so small it makes it difficult to tell when a food is contaminated or not
          • the optimum conditions for bacteria are:
            • suitbale ph level
            • supply of moisture and nutrients
            • right level of oxygen
            • time
            • the temperature also affects it- the danger zone is 5 to 63c and is when bacteria multiply the quickest
          • high risk foods and low risk foods
            • high risk: meat, milk, poultry, fish, soft cheese, eggs
            • low risk foods: jams, biscuits, crackers, cereals, salted fish
        • Mould
          • belong to the group of plants known as fungi
          • grow on the suface of foods so they can be seen vissbaly
          • optimum conditions
            • 20c to 30c
            • suitable ph
            • supply of moisture
            • supply of energy and nutrients
            • right level of oxygen
            • sufficent time
        • yeasts
          • yeasts are also fungi but are single celled organisms
          • optimum conditions
            • 25 to 30c
            • ph which is around 4 or 4.5
            • moisture
            • energy and nutrients, specifically carbs
            • time
            • right level of oxygen
          • yeasts decomose food in a process called fermentation
      • found in soil, water, sewage, dust, dirt, in the air, on animals and people,
      • some can cause food poisoning and are known as being pathogenic
    • food spoilage
      • food spoilage is caused by:
        • enzymes (ripening, colour, texture and flavor changes)
        • micro- orgnisms (bacteria, yeast, mould and viruses)
        • pests (insects and animals)
        • physical spoilage (bruising, freezer burn, dampness)
        • oxidation (rancidity)
      • contamination
        • if a food is contaminate it menas that it contains something which it shouldnt and that could be harmful to health if it was eaten
        • cross contamination, pests and eggs/droppings from pests, chemical toxins and objects such as glass and metal
      • food poisoning
        • caused by pathogenic bacteria, toxins that get into the food chain, chemicals and metals, natural poisons in animals and plants
        • can cause a wid reange of symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, fever, head ache, diarrohea, death
        • implications:
          • consumers
            • illness
            • time off work
            • lack of confidence
          • business owners
            • closure by eho
            • damaged reputation and closure
            • penalties and monetry losses
          • employees
            • job loss
            • prosecution
    • Allergens and intloerances
      • allergic reactions
        • can be life threatening and can happen seconds after being in contact eith an allergen or hours
        • it happens when the bodys immune system reacts to something and releases histamine
        • symptoms
          • difficulty breathing
          • weak
          • low blood pressure (dangerously low)
          • hives
          • swelling
        • if someone has an allergic reation call an amublance and use an epi pen
        • common allergens
          • eggs
          • treenuts
          • seeds
          • fish
          • lupin
      • food intolerance (food sensitivity)
        • lactose intolerance
          • lactose is a natural disaccharide sugar that is found in mammals milk and milk products
          • during digestion it is broken down by the enzyme lactase
          • people that are lactose intolerance don't have any or enough lactase
          • symptoms include flatulence, nausea and abdominal pain
        • caffeine sensitivity
          • people can have a hypersensitivity that makes them feel unwell
          • symptoms include: rapid heart rate, intense rush of adrenaline, headache, nervous and anxious, insomnia
          • symptoms take several hours to subside
        • coeliac disease
          • autoimmune disease  where the bodys immune system damaged the villi in the small intestine
          • the villi gets flattened which causes malabsorption of nutrients
          • several problems can arise due to malabsoprtion
            • depression
            • mouth ulcers
            • osteoporosis


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