Ferdinand Overview - Lycanthropy

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  • Ferdinand
    • "sixteenth and seventeenth-century authors combined the natural humoral model originated from Greek and Arabic medicine with supernatural beliefs related to the power of the Devil."
      • Bosola - "This great fellow were able to possess the greatest devil and make him worse."
      • Antonio - "If too immoderate sleep be truly said"
        • "The Devil himself could not pronounce a title/ More hateful to mine ear."
        • Literary link to Macbeth - "Macbeth doth murder sleep."
          • "The Devil himself could not pronounce a title/ More hateful to mine ear."
          • Ferdinand's ambition to make sure the Duchess remains pure leads to hit downfall - his hamartia is his jealousy and extremely controlling nature
    • "lycanthropy became associated with supernatural affiliations that were 15 interpreted as evidence of demonic possession and regarded as a form of witchcraft"
      • In Jacobean England, witches and witchcraft was feared and frowned up due to King James' hatred for them.
        • He evenwrote a book called 'Daemonologie'
        • Witches/Witchcraft are prominent themes throughout the play
          • As is light and darkness. Bosola is stuck between light (Duchess) and dark (Ferdinand, Cardinal). Similar to Stella and/or Mitch, who is stuck between Stanley (dark) and Blanche (light)
    • “BOSOLA: It seems you would create me One of your familiars.”
      • FERDINAND: Familiar! What's that?
        • BOSOLA: Why, a very quaint, invisible devil in flesh: An intelligencer.
        • Ferdinand cannot recognise the demonic potential in himself
          • Similar to Stanley, he cannot recognise his true character (son of an immigrant) therefore when Blanche challenges his own false illusion he, in turn, viciously strips away her illusions in order to protect his. Like Ferdinand, when his own character is challenged he reprimands others- specifically the Duchess, ********* away her virtuous purity.
            • “I cannot imagine any witch of a woman casting a spell over you.” - Blanche to Stanley


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