Explanations for the success and failure of dieting

  • Created by: Grace
  • Created on: 11-01-13 10:46
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  • Explanations for the success and failure of dieting
    • First explanation - The Restraint Theory (Herman and Mack)
      • States that attempting not to eat actually increases the probability of over eating.
        • Ruderman and Wilson - They used a pretest procedure which involved giving ppts a high calorie preload (milkshake) or a low calorie preload (crackers) They were then asked to take part in a taste test and asked quality and tastes of food. The IV that was actually being tested was ohw much they ate. The group who had the crackers ate much more  than the high preload group.
          • This shows how feeling like you have been deprived from food and have not gained enough energy makes you more likely to eat more. DIETS CAN BE WORSE FOR YOU THAN NOT DIETING.
            • :) - Didnt know they were being tested -reduces the chance of demand characteristics :) - explains why people continue to diet as they do not realise that what they are doing in leading to the failure of dieting.
            • Deterministic - suggests you cannot diet - some people have gone on to diet and kepf off the weight - need to look at free will - these people may have more motivation and are able to beat the temptations.
    • Second explanation - Biological - Mark states that for successful dieting, bio mechanisms must be addressed.
      • Havel - expalins how Leptin, which makes us satieted, inhibits the release of NPY therefore high levels of leptin = less hunger and low levels = more hunger. This means that those on low calorie diets have low levels and are more hungry.
        • Explains the initial weightloss but why it is hard to keep it off therefore you are caught in a vicious cycle.
          • Deterministic - suggests all would have this problem but not everyone has this issue. This also leads to people blaming their biologyfor being overweight. This may lead to more bpeople becoming overweight and already 75% are.
          • Reductionist - only looks at Leptin - needs to consider other factors like socio economis position, mood etc to be holistic.
    • Restraint theory is better at explaining both success and failure of dieting and explains why people continue to diet although it doesn't work very often.
    • Gives a solution - knowing just dieting does not work, we can include things as part of the diet regime like peer support and motivation and exercise  and this will be more likely to lead to the success of dieting.


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