Explanations for independent behaviour


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  • Explanations for independent behaviours
    • Conformity
      • Prior commitment
        • When people make a public opinion they are less likely to  change this opinion and most likey to commit to it
        • In Asch's study, there were trials were the genuine participants went first and gave and answer, which they stuck to even when asked if they want to change it due to the confederates giving different answers after
      • Time to think and find social support
        • If someone takes time to think, they a most like to resist conformity. Although, they may fear rejection and conform to the rest of the group
          • The presence of someone who disagrees can be a source of social support
        • People who worked in groups began to be more suspicious and began to realise they were being manipulated (Gamson et al)
    • Obedience
      • Feeling responsible
        • If the individual feels repsonsible for their actions then they are less likely to obey, because they do not want to feel responsible for another persons suffering
        • Migram 35% did not continue after 300v
      • Questioning motives
        • Questioning the motives, expertise and legitimacy  of the experimenter prevents automatic obedience
        • In the variation of the Milgram study where the location of the study was carried out in a downtown office the obedience rates dropped to 48%
          • Participants began to question the true nature of the study as the location was not reflective of where the study would usually be carried out
    • Locus of control
      • Internal locus  of control
        • This is when an individual believes what happens to them is their own behaviour. They are likely to behaviour they are able to suceed in difficult situations if they put the work in
        • An individual with a how internal locus of control is likely to show signs of independent behaviour
      • External locus of control
        • This is when an individual believes that whatever happens to them is due to external factors. They are likely believe that their actions are controlled by fate and so are out of their control


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