Arguments for the existence of God

  • Created by: Stanier
  • Created on: 12-05-17 15:58
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  • Existence of God
    • Proving thing exist
      • Personal Experience
      • Reliable Evidence
      • Chain of reasoning (logic)
    • First cause Argument
      • 1. Thomas Aquinas said that everything that exists was caused by something.
        • 2. The universe exists, so it must have a cause.
          • 3. The cause has to be something eternal  that was not caused by anything. The eternal first cause is God.
    • Argument from Religious Experience
      • 1. Some theists believe God exists because they claim to have had an experience of him.
        • 2. They have a religious experience such as a conversion or feeling God's presence.
          • 3. This makes them claim to have met God. they use this experience as proof that God exists.
    • Design Argument (Teleological)
      • 1. There is evidence of  design and order too complex to have come about by random chance.
        • 2. Paley compared the world to a pocket watch. the watch is complex and shows design. the watch had a designer.
          • 3.Therefore the universe which shows greater complexity must have a greater designer. this designer must be God.
    • Argument from Miracles
      • An event that breaks the laws of nature and can't be explained by science.
      • 1. Theists say that these events have no natural explanation so must be a supernatural event.
        • 2. As it is supernatural it is caused by something outside of nature and only God is outside of nature. therefore God caused the miracle.
    • Argument from Morality
      • 1. People have an inbuilt sense of how to behave. This comes from a source outside of them and feels as though it should be obeyed.
        • 2. This source must be from an ultimate authority. this authority must be God.
      • Some people refer to an inner voice providing them with a sense of morality. this voice is God.


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