Eva Smith Plan

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  • Eva
    • Name
      • very common and stands for working class women
      • 'there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us'
      • New name 'Daisy' because she has weak roots (her dead family) and she is easily uprooted (by Gerald/Eric)
        • Fluid identity shows uncertainty of herself/lack of identity
    • Working Class Women
      • society view them as unimportant
      • Priestley's main message is to support the lower classes
      • The Inspector speaks of behalf of Eva as a man as that is the only way a woman would be recognised
      • 'cheap labour'
      • 'a girl of that sort'
    • Lack of Voice
      • She lacks voice and stage presence however is vital to the play
      • Disinfectant burns her throat - physically removes her voice from society
    • Responsbility
      • The younger generation accept their actions and take responsibility
      • Highlights the arrogance of capitalists and how they are reluctant to admit to their mistakes


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