
  • Created by: Kimberley
  • Created on: 03-06-13 18:15
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  • Enzymes
    • Biological catalysts that speed up the rate of reactions without changing themselves
    • Structure
      • Long chains of amino acids folded to produce a specific shape
      • Sustrates (other molecules) fit onto the enzymes active site
    • Factors that affect enzyme action
      • Temperature
        • Work best a optimum temp 35-40 C
        • Begin to denature after optimum temp - active site changes
      • PH
        • Different enzymes work best at different pH levels
        • Pepsin found in the stomach and works well in acid conditions
    • Types
      • Protease
        • Breaks proteins down into amino acids
        • Produced by stomach, pancreas and small intestine
      • Lipase
        • Digests fats called lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
        • Made in pancreas and small intestine
      • Carbohydrase
        • Breaks down carbs
        • Amylase breaks starch down into sugars
    • In industry
      • Biological detergents
        • Lipases and proteases break down stains
      • Baby foods
        • Proteases used to pre digest food making it easier for babies to digest
      • Diet products
        • Isomerase used to make a fructose - less calories


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