Education summary

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 26-01-15 11:46
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  • Education summary
    • The Conservative Government of 1979 objected to comprehensive schools because they thought that clever children should have a different education from weaker students.
      • Were known as the New Right perspective and were led by Margaret Thatcher
        • believed no rules are needed for society because market forces (economic factors) can be relied upon.
        • believed schools could only become better if they competed with eachother for students
    • What's the purpose of it?
      • learn valuable skills needed for work
      • Marxists believe that it socialises people into the Capitalist values of work
      • socialisation
      • control behaviour
      • pass on valuable knowledge - Bourdieu and cultural capital theory
      • Parsons (Functionalist)- believe that success in education is the best way to improve their lives and escape from poorer backgrounds. Believes this is the main purpose off education
      • Functionalists believe it acts as a ladder of opportunity for people to achieve the best they can, according to their ability.
        • believe those who go on to gain the best jobs will become leaders- this is known as meritocracy
    • how does social class affect educational achievement?
      • have a negative view of education in working class families but a more positive one in middle class families who view it as a route to success
      • working class seek immediate gratification and therefore drop out of school earlier, middle class seek delayed gratification and stay on, often into HE
      • working class lack cultural capital and have cultural deprivation
        • their culture is less favoured by teachers who therefore treat them differently and put them at a disadvantage
        • have a restricted code of speech and can't understand the elaborated form used in schools
        • Bernstein argues that the language of education mirrors the middle class home
        • cultural deprivation theory suggests that the culture of working class people is 'not as good' as middle class and that it leads to failure among them.
          • there are many views on this:
            • another view suggests that wc are the victims of an unequal society and is the fault of the education system, not them
              • however, Marxists blame wc families for their own failure
              • their homes are seen as less effective in transmitting the values needed for success
        • Bourdieu developed the idea of cultural capital and habitus to reflect the importance of culture.
          • argues that the higher up families are, the more dominant cultural values they possess and because these reflect the values of education it provides a passport to success
      • working class have less motivation, spend less time on homework and often don't understand the importance of education
      • wealth can have an impact too...
        • those with lower incomes suffer from material deprivation meaning they can't afford the things their child needs for success
      • children may be under pressure to earn money to support the family which may affect their studies through tiredness and lack of time and motivation
  • Ethnicity and attainment
    • Education summary
      • The Conservative Government of 1979 objected to comprehensive schools because they thought that clever children should have a different education from weaker students.
        • Were known as the New Right perspective and were led by Margaret Thatcher
          • believed no rules are needed for society because market forces (economic factors) can be relied upon.
          • believed schools could only become better if they competed with eachother for students
      • What's the purpose of it?
        • learn valuable skills needed for work
        • Marxists believe that it socialises people into the Capitalist values of work
        • socialisation
        • control behaviour
        • pass on valuable knowledge - Bourdieu and cultural capital theory
        • Parsons (Functionalist)- believe that success in education is the best way to improve their lives and escape from poorer backgrounds. Believes this is the main purpose off education
        • Functionalists believe it acts as a ladder of opportunity for people to achieve the best they can, according to their ability.
          • believe those who go on to gain the best jobs will become leaders- this is known as meritocracy
      • how does social class affect educational achievement?
        • have a negative view of education in working class families but a more positive one in middle class families who view it as a route to success
        • working class seek immediate gratification and therefore drop out of school earlier, middle class seek delayed gratification and stay on, often into HE
        • working class lack cultural capital and have cultural deprivation
          • their culture is less favoured by teachers who therefore treat them differently and put them at a disadvantage
          • have a restricted code of speech and can't understand the elaborated form used in schools
          • Bernstein argues that the language of education mirrors the middle class home
          • cultural deprivation theory suggests that the culture of working class people is 'not as good' as middle class and that it leads to failure among them.
            • there are many views on this:
              • another view suggests that wc are the victims of an unequal society and is the fault of the education system, not them
                • however, Marxists blame wc families for their own failure
                • their homes are seen as less effective in transmitting the values needed for success
          • Bourdieu developed the idea of cultural capital and habitus to reflect the importance of culture.
            • argues that the higher up families are, the more dominant cultural values they possess and because these reflect the values of education it provides a passport to success
        • working class have less motivation, spend less time on homework and often don't understand the importance of education
        • wealth can have an impact too...
          • those with lower incomes suffer from material deprivation meaning they can't afford the things their child needs for success
        • children may be under pressure to earn money to support the family which may affect their studies through tiredness and lack of time and motivation


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