
  • Created by: Megan.jd
  • Created on: 07-05-18 08:36
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  • Duncan
    • Kind but too trusting
      • Kind and generous man who rewards loyalty - he hands out honors to M and Malcom
      • Nobody has a bad word to say about him - even M says he that "his virtues/ will plead like angels"
      • His flaw is that he is too trusting. He trusts M and doesn't suspect that he is plotting to kill him and he describes the treacherous Thane of Cawdor as "a gentleman on whom i built/ An absolute trust" However Duncan can he firm when he needed, he executes the previous Thane of Cawdor when he betrays him
    • An example of a good king
      • Shakespeare presents him as a model king, kind honest and fair
        • Duncan uses a lot of plant imagery he says that he will "plant" M and make sure he is "full of growing" this shows how he nurtures his subjects and is at one with nature
          • Symobolism
      • Kind generous trusting and puts Scotland's needs ahead of his own, this contrasts with M who is a bad king - he is a tyrant who is feared and hated. M puts his own selfish desires ahead of his country
        • Act 4 Scene 3 Malcom talks about what a good king should be like he says a ruler should have "stableness""mercy" and "justice" - qualities that Duncan had
    • He isn't like other men
      • Isn't a soldier like M or Macduff - he is gentle and less aggressive, he does not fight himself, but sensibly sends his best soldiers to fight for him
      • Not afraid to be emotional- he shows "drops of sorrow" because he is so happy he talks about "gentle senses" this could be seen as unmanly
      • Duncan doesn't have the qualities that other characters associate with manliness but S show that he is king fair and generous. This leads the audience to questions whether a good leader really needs to be a violent warrior
  • Duncan is KIND "Let me enfold thee/ And hold thee to my heart" TRUSTING "There's no art /to find the mind's construction in the face" A GOOD KING "So clear in his great office"


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