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    • Shakespeare was writing for the theatre during the reigns of two monarchs, Queen Elizabeth I and King James I. 
      • The plays he wrote during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, such as A Midsummer Night's Dream, are often seen to embody the generally happy, confident and optimistic mood of the Elizabethans. 
        • ·         However, those he wrote during James's reign, such as Macbeth and Hamlet, are darker and more cynical, reflecting the insecurities of the Jacobean period. Macbeth was written the year after the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
    •  When Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, she had no children, or even nephews or nieces. The throne was offered to James Stuart, James VI of Scotland, who then became James I of Britain. He was a distant cousin of Elizabeth, being descended from Margaret Tudor, the sister of Elizabeth's grandfather, Henry the Eighth.
      • James was the son of the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots, who had been deposed and imprisoned when he was a baby, and later executed on Elizabeth's orders.
        • Brought up by Protestant regents, James maintained a Protestant regime in Scotland when he came of age, and so was an acceptable choice for England which had become firmly Protestant under Elizabeth. 
        • At first the Catholics had hoped James might support them, since his mother had been such a staunch Catholic, but when they realised this would not happen conspiracies developed, one of which was the Gunpowder Plot.
        • Guy Fawkes and his men tried to blow up James and his parliament in 1605. The conspirators were betrayed, and horribly tortured on the rack until they confessed. They were then executed in the most brutal fashion as a warning to other would-be traitors. 
        • ·       Shakespeare's play Macbeth is to some extent a cautionary tale, warning any other potential regicides (king-killers) of the awful fate that will inevitably overtake them.
    • ·         ELIZABETH I was popular. In 1588 the troops at Tilbury shouted Gloriana!, which means 'glorious woman', and in 1590, the poet Edmund Spenser made 'Gloriana' the heroine of his poem The Faerie Queene.
      • Her reign was a time of art, music and literature with the talents of William Shakespeare flourishing at this time. It is often known as 'the Golden Age of English history'.
        • ·         Her long reign created stability. When she died, James VI of Scotland, the son of her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, inherited the throne peacefully.
      • By the end of her reign, the Church of England was safe, and there was no chance of a War of Religion.
      •  During her reign, the first colony of the British Empire was set up - Virginia in North America. ·        By the end of her reign, England was a world power. Pope Sixtus V could not understand it:. "She is only a woman, only mistress of half an island, and yet she makes herself feared by Spain, by France, by all."


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