Drama Cathy

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  • Cathy
    • Doesn’t appear to have any understanding of right and wrong
    • Adam's death
      • Heavily involved in covering up the disappearance of Adam
      • Puts the plan at risk when she thoughtlessly implicates an innocent post man
      • Bullies Brian and Adam
      • Excited reaction to Adams death    which contrasts with other characters
      • Untroubled by the serious consequences of the groups actions
      • She showed no concern for the postman who has been wrongly arrested.
      • When Cathy mentioned that she might be paid for speaking to the press she comes across as vain and self-centred.
    • Characteristics
      • Excitable
      • Foolish
      • Violent
    • Physical skills
      • Animated movements and gestures could be used to emphasise Cathy’s enthusiasm. She could move around the stage constantly to show her excitement.
      • She could also move quickly and decisively once Phil has made his orders .
    • An actor could show Cathy enjoys hurting other people by betraying a wide grin on her face and also she could swing the carrier bag to show she is looking forward to killing Adam .
    • Cathy is drawn to  authoritative figures like John Tate and Phil.




really helpful thank you

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