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  • Discourse
    • Spoken discourse
      • Valediction
        • Expression of Farewell
      • Adjacency pair
        • A pair of utterances in a conversation that go together (greeting and reply, question and answer, etc.)
    • Discourse Structure
      • The way a text is structured, according to the typical features of the text's genre
    • Discourse: narrative
      • Abstract
        • The speaker indicates that they are about to begin a story
      • Orientation
        • Telling the listener where and when the story took place
      • Complicating action
        • Getting into the story itself, with details about whats happened
      • Resolution
        • Rounding off the story
      • Evaluation
        • Reflecting on the story in some way
      • Coda
        • Signing off; perhaps indicating that another speaker now might have a turn
      • Looking at the way that whole spoken and written texts are structured is key to overall effect as well as to identifying a text's genre.


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