The Digestive System

  • Created by: lily211
  • Created on: 19-04-17 17:17
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  • Digestive System
    • Mouth
      • Food is chewed using teeth an tongue and mixed with saliva, which contains salivary amylase to begin the digestion of starch into sugars
    • Oesophagus
      • Food is squeezed along to the stomach by peristaltic movement of smooth muscle in the oesophagus.
    • Stomach
      • Food is churned and mixed with gastric juice which contains a protease enzyme, to begin protein digestion and hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria
    • Liver
      • The liver produces bile (stored in gall bladder) which neutralises stomach acids and helps to emulsify fats.
    • Duodenum and Pancreas
      • Duodenum is the first section of the small intestine. cells in its walls produce digestive enzymes. the pancreas produces pancreatic juice which contains amylase to complete protein digestion and lipase to digest fats.
    • Ileum
      • Digestion is completed by bile and pancreatic juice. then the digested food is absorbed  into the bloodstream.
    • Large intestine
      • The large intestine has a large surface area for water reabsorption from the indigestable material. faeces are stored in the rectum then released via the anus.


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