Development of Russia under the Dual Power of 1917 (9)

  • Created by: MonsurAli
  • Created on: 04-06-17 01:00
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  • Development of Russia under the Dual Power of 1917
    • Power vacuum issue
      • The Duma set about trying to solve the issue. The Provisional Govt was created March 2nd 1917 after negotiations between Duma's and Petrograd Soviet.
      • Prince Lvov was PM, and it was mainly a compromise; hence provisional. Commissars would replace ministers, and the Rightists would contribute the most as they were most populated in the 4th Duma.
      • The PG represented influential elites, and those who previously favoured the constitutional monarchy - Liberals, moderate socialists and Kadets.
      • Elections would be held for a new constituent assembly. PG was accepted by the army and the police. They set themselves up in the duma chamber in Petrograd and kept the idea of future elections.
    • Deal between PG and Petrograd Soviet
      • PS were majority Menshevik and SR's with a minority Bolshevik. The PS did not press for land redistribution or nationalisation of industry. The PS did accept PG's demand of:
        • Complete amnesty for those charged with religious, terrorist or military crimes.
        • Freedom speech
        • Soldiers to have some civil liberties as civilians
        • Self govt for the army
        • A constituent assembly
        • Tsarist police to be replaced by a 'People's militia'
        • The power would be divided: PG 'ruled' while PS were a 'watchdog' on the PG to protect the interests of the workers and prevent a slide back to Tsarist ways.
          • Initial successes: Reforming measures passed, Secret police disbanded, and Tsarist officials rounded up and arrested.
    • Dual Power in action
      • Aimed to reinstall discipline on the streets, but there was a increase in strikes and desertions (365k desertions between March and May 1917 due to Brusilov Offensive)
      • Peasant disturbances rose from 34 districts March 1917 to 325 in July.
      • Milyukov announced that war effort would continue so deaths were not dishonoured. But it led to mass demonstration leading him and Guchkov to resign.
        • Replaced by Socialists Chernov (Agriculture) and Kerensky (war) and 2 more Mensheviks added. Kerensky soon replaced Lvov.
      • July Days occurred due to anger of failure of govt to protect upper class or win the war. Street riots occur.
        • Kornilov (commander of army) decides to march with his six regiments on Petrograd, to establish a military dictatorship, and crush the soviets.
          • This fails when Kerensky panicks and frees Bolsheviks to supply them with weapons to fight against Kornilov. He is then arrested along with his coup.
        • This fails when Kerensky panicks and frees Bolsheviks to supply them with weapons to fight against Kornilov. He is then arrested along with his coup.
      • Real wages fall, while inflation rises from 300% to 755%. Food supplies were chaotic.
      • Workers hoped for improved conditions, however this disappeared when the factories could dismiss workers who went on strike.
      • Redistribution of land failed, and peasants seized land themselves.
      • Rumours that the electoral commission was being delayed so the PG could preserve their power. Bolsheviks benefited the most from all this disillusion.


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